Learn how to initialize the resource system.
Initializing the Resource System
// 初始化资源系统
// 创建默认的资源包
var package = YooAssets.CreatePackage("DefaultPackage");
// 设置该资源包为默认的资源包,可以使用YooAssets相关加载接口加载该资源包内容。
The resource system supports three modes of operation: Editor Simulation Mode, Standalone Mode, and Online Mode.
Editor Simulation Mode
In the editor, there is no need to build asset bundles to simulate running the game.
Note: This mode only works in the editor.
private IEnumerator InitializeYooAsset()
var initParameters = new EditorSimulateModeParameters();
initParameters.SimulateManifestFilePath = EditorSimulateModeHelper.SimulateBuild("DefaultPackage");
yield return package.InitializeAsync(initParameters);
Standalone Mode
For games that do not require hot-updated resources, you can use the standalone mode.
Note: This mode requires building asset bundles.
private IEnumerator InitializeYooAsset()
var initParameters = new OfflinePlayModeParameters();
yield return package.InitializeAsync(initParameters);
Online Mode
For games that require hot-updated resources, you can use the online mode. This mode requires many initialization parameters.
Note: This mode requires building asset bundles.
- DecryptionServices: If the asset bundles are encrypted during the build process, you need to provide an instance of a class that implements the IDecryptionServices interface.
- QueryServices: Built-in resource query service interface.
- RemoteServices: Remote server query service interface.
private IEnumerator InitializeYooAsset()
string defaultHostServer = "";
string fallbackHostServer = "";
var initParameters = new HostPlayModeParameters();
initParameters.QueryServices = new GameQueryServices(); //太空战机DEMO的脚本类,详细见StreamingAssetsHelper
initParameters.DecryptionServices = new GameDecryptionServices();
initParameters.RemoteServices = new RemoteServices(defaultHostServer, fallbackHostServer);
var initOperation = package.InitializeAsync(initParameters);
yield return initOperation;
if(initOperation.Status == EOperationStatus.Succeed)
WebGL Mode
This is an exclusive mode for the WebGL platform, including WeChat Mini Games and Douyin Mini Games.
Note: This mode requires building asset bundles.
- DecryptionServices: WebGL platform does not support encryption, so it can be set to NULL.
- QueryServices: WebSite internal resource query service interface.
- RemoteServices: Remote server query service interface.
private IEnumerator InitializeYooAsset()
string defaultHostServer = "";
string fallbackHostServer = "";
var initParameters = new WebPlayModeParameters();
initParameters.QueryServices = new GameQueryServices(); //太空战机DEMO的脚本类,详细见StreamingAssetsHelper
initParameters.RemoteServices = new RemoteServices(defaultHostServer, fallbackHostServer);
var initOperation = package.InitializeAsync(initParameters);
yield return initOperation;
if(initOperation.Status == EOperationStatus.Succeed)
Decryption Method
Implement a runtime class that inherits from the IDecryptionServices interface.
// 文件解密的示例代码
// 注意:解密类必须配合加密类。
private class GameDecryptionServices : IDecryptionServices
public ulong LoadFromFileOffset(DecryptFileInfo fileInfo)
return 32;
public byte[] LoadFromMemory(DecryptFileInfo fileInfo)
// 如果没有内存加密方式,可以返回空
throw new NotImplementedException();
public Stream LoadFromStream(DecryptFileInfo fileInfo)
// 如果没有流加密方式,可以返回空
throw new NotImplementedException();
public uint GetManagedReadBufferSize()
return 1024;
Source Code Analysis
Package.InitializeAsync() method analysis.
Editor Simulation Mode
Each time EditorSimulateModeHelper.SimulateBuild() method is called during startup, a simulated build will be performed at the lower level.
If there is a large number of resource objects involved in the build, there may be a lag. You can avoid repetitive execution of simulated builds by directly specifying an existing manifest path.
Standalone Mode
During initialization, the built-in manifest file (file in the StreamingAssets folder) will be directly read, and the cache system will be initialized.
Online Mode
During initialization, the manifest will be loaded from the sandbox first. If the manifest does not exist in the sandbox, it will attempt to load the built-in manifest and copy it to the sandbox. Finally, the cache system will be initialized.
Note: If both the sandbox manifest and the built-in manifest do not exist, the initialization will still be considered successful!