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Version: 1.5.x

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Introduce some open-source libraries that integrate YooAsset.

ET Framework: ET 7.0 + FGUI + luban + huatuo + YooAsset + NKGMoba + UniTask, and provide common editor tools.

ETPro: ET6+YooAsset+HybridCLR

YooAssetEx: YooAsset Odin extension tool, used to support Unity 2017 and Unity 2018 versions.

GameFramework-at-YooAsset: GameFramework + luban + hybridclr + YooAsset + UniTask

HybridCLR_YooAsset_UniTask: Integrated HybridCLR+YooAsset+UniTask project

JEngine: Excellent open-source framework that integrates YooAsset.

TEngine: Excellent open-source framework that integrates YooAsset.